برگه:Owrazan - Jalal Ale Ahmad.pdf/۹۴

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Although our vill[a]ges form the core of our social organisation as well as the foundation of our civilisat[i]on, they are taken into account neither in our present policies. nor in our educational schemes. No village attracts the curiosity of our scholars or the attention of our Government authorities or any sympathy on the part of our politicians. The few Orientalists and Dialectologists who have visited some of our villages, have published nothing concerning the way of life and custums [customs] of the people in those villages.

No one is to be blamed for this state of affaris [affairs], because the village is only one of the innumerable Persian subjects which call for study.

The present brochure has been compiled with regard to such a minor subject as a village situated in North Persia The author can claim no authority in dialectology or anthropology or economics An attempt has been made to describe a village as minutely as possible and to show bow its occupants struggle for their exist[e]nce.

I have dealt with this village merely because it is the birth place of my forefathers. Otherwise it is one of several thousand Persian villages where ploughing is done in a primitive way, and the villagers often fight over water supply and are deprived of public baths and a sufficient supply of sugar for their tea. The ensuing notes have been taken almost at random during my six visits to the village and stay of not less than 12 months